Posts tagged surrogate matching
What if the embryo transfer isn't successful? Do IPs usually try a few times with the same surrogate?
What happens if a surrogate changes jobs or loses a job and insurance during the surrogacy journey?
How to support a surrogate pregnancy

How to support a GC pregnancy 

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What does “Base Fee” or “Base Compensation” really mean in a surrogacy arrangement?

What does “Base Fee” or “Base Compensation” really mean in a surrogacy arrangement?

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How to use your agency as your advocate

How can your agency advocate for you?

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Can we pursue surrogacy if we only have one PGS tested embryo with no plans to make more if the one transfer doesn’t work?
Inducing Lactation
How can a doula help me? Doesn't only the gestational carrier (GC) need one?
Variations in Gestational Carrier Agreements
Pros and Cons of Self-Matching

Amanda talks about the pros and cons of matching yourself or using an agency to help!

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