If an intended parent asks their surrogate to be induced or have a cesarean that is not medically necessary, is she be obligated to do so? Ask an expert!Janelle DoddMarch 6, 2025intended parents, embryo, embryos, number of embryos, pgs tested embryos, pgs testing, chances of pregnancy, pregnant, surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, embryo transfer, surrogate matching, surrogacy agency, surrogacy basics, surrogacy 101, surrogacy question, ask a surrogacy expert, ethical surrogacy, bright futures families, growing families, conceiving bright futures
What if the embryo transfer isn't successful? Do IPs usually try a few times with the same surrogate? Ask an expert!Janelle DoddFebruary 18, 2025bright futures families, Bright Futures Families, conceiving bright futures, growing families, surrogacy expert, surrogacy, ask a surrogacy expert, surrogacy requirements, surrogate requirements, Gestational Surrogate, Gestational carrier, Gestational Surrogacy, gestational carrier, gestational surrogate, gestational surrogacy, surrogate, can I become a surrogate, can I become a surrogate if, apply, apply today, apply now, become a surrogate, surrogate qualifications, surrogate criteria, surrogate eligibility, intended parents, embryo, embryos, number of embryos, chances of pregnancy, pregnant, embryo transfer, surrogate matching, surrogacy agency, surrogacy basics, surrogacy 101, surrogacy question
What happens if a surrogate changes jobs or loses a job and insurance during the surrogacy journey? Ask an expert!Janelle DoddFebruary 4, 2025intended parents, embryo, embryos, number of embryos, pgs tested embryos, pgs testing, chances of pregnancy, pregnant, surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, embryo transfer, surrogate matching, surrogacy agency, surrogacy basics, surrogacy 101, surrogacy question, ask a surrogacy expert, ethical surrogacy, bright futures families, growing families, conceiving bright futures
How does surrogacy work with being active duty military? Ask an expert!Janelle DoddJanuary 9, 2025intended parents, embryo, embryos, number of embryos, pgs tested embryos, pgs testing, chances of pregnancy, pregnant, surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, embryo transfer, surrogate matching, surrogacy agency, surrogacy basics, surrogacy 101, surrogacy question, ask a surrogacy expert, ethical surrogacy, bright futures families, growing families, conceiving bright futures
Can we pursue surrogacy if we only have one PGS tested embryo with no plans to make more if the one transfer doesn’t work? Ask an expert!Janelle DoddOctober 17, 2024intended parents, embryo, embryos, number of embryos, pgs tested embryos, pgs testing, chances of pregnancy, pregnant, surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, embryo transfer, surrogate matching, surrogacy agency, surrogacy basics, surrogacy 101, surrogacy question, ask a surrogacy expert, ethical surrogacy, bright futures families, growing families, conceiving bright futures
LGBTQ Families: Two Embryos or One? LGBTQJanelle DoddApril 30, 2024Bright Futures Families, conceiving bright futures, growing families, surrogacy, surrogate, gestational carrier, gestational surrogate, gestational surrogacy, intended parents, parents, surrogacy process, surrogacy journey, surrogacy agency, ivf, in vitro fertilization, fertility, fertility clinic, infertility, ip, ips, gc, gcs, assisted reproductive technology, ART, surrogacy statistics, statistic, statistics, lgbtq, reproductive endocrinologist, embryo, embryos, twins, multiples pregnancy, twin pregnancy, medical professional, multiple embryos, multiple embryo transfer, embryo split, medical risk
US Legislators Introduce Bill To Protect IVF Throughout The Country Above the LawJanelle DoddDecember 31, 2022bright futures families, assisted reproductive technology, ART, infertility, fertility, attorney, Senator Tammy Duckworth, Senator Patty Murray, Congresswoman Susan Wild, Right to Build Families Act, Right to Build Families Act of 2022, sperm count, sperm, ICSI, Dobbs, personhood, personhood rights, anti-abortion legislation, Congress, Tennessee law, Louisiana law, Michigan law, Arizona law, colorado law, Donor-conceived Persons and Donor-conceived Persons Protection Act, surrogacy, embryo, embryos, embryo donation, embryo disposition, egg donation, sperm donation, donation, anonymous donation, anonymous egg donation, anonymous embryo donor, anonymous embryo donation, anonymous sperm donors, donor anonymity, gametes, Gonzales v Carhart, Supreme Court, US Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court, United States Supreme Court, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Thomas, Justice Scalia, Justice Antonin Scalia, Commerce Clause
Should 'Social Surrogacy' Be Permitted? Above the LawJanelle DoddNovember 17, 2022BrightFuturesFamilies, bright futures families, Bright Futures Families, assisted reproductive technology, ART, infertility, fertility, agency, surrogacy agency, attorney, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, lgbtq, social surrogacy, choice, surrogacy, surrogate, surrogates, Gestational Surrogate, gestational, gestation, GestationalCarrier, Gestational carrier, gestational surrogate, gestational carrier, Gestational Carrier, Gestational Carriers, gestational carriers, SEEDS, Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy, donation, egg, eggs, sperm, embryo, embryos, egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation, SEEDS Standards Committee, Creative Family Connections, Diane Hinson, intended parent, intended parents, agency screening, ASRM, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, reproductive endocrinologist, reproductive endocrinologists, fertility doctor, fertility doctors, pregnancy, reproductive freedom, reproductive choice, Ashley Old, surrogate choice, embryo transfer, Utah, California, Washington, Colorado, new jersey, New York, State statute, State statutes, state statute, state statutes
Historic Meeting Ushers In New Era In US Donor Conception Above the LawJanelle DoddNovember 3, 2022bright futures families, BrightFuturesFamilies, assisted reproductive technology, ART, infertile, infertility, donor, donors, donor-doctor, donor sperm, donor conceived person, donor-conceived, donor conceived, Donor-conceived, DonorAnonymity, donor anonymity, US Donor Conceived Council, Egg donor, spermdonor, Donor-conceived Persons and Donor-conceived Persons Protection Act, egg donor, sperm donor, Colorado, Colorado law, California Cryobank, Donor Egg Bank USA, Fairfax Cryobank, Fairfax Eggbank, RESOLVE, Donor Conceived Australia, anonymous, anonymous donor, anonymous sperm donors, Anonymous Sperm donors, anonymous egg donor, anonymous embryo donor, anonymous donation, anonymous egg donation, anonymous sperm donation, anonymous embryo donation, donor eligibility, donor identity disclosure, donor criteria, donor eligibility criteria, embryo, embryos, gametes, agency, clinic, attorney, DNA Kit, DNA, DNA Tests, DNA test, home DNA kit, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+
Jury Returns Surprising Verdict In Surrogacy Superfetation Case Above the LawJanelle DoddOctober 20, 2022BrightFuturesFamilies, assisted reproductive technology, ART, infertility, surrogacy, surrogate, Gestational carrier, Gestational Surrogate, Gestational Surrogacy, Pregnancy, pregnant, embryos, superfetation, law, lawsuit, countersuit, jury, contract, breach, agency, attorney, Omega Family Global Inc., Omega, parentage, Jessica Allen, Wardell Jasper, Frederick Gaston, twins
Do I need to get Covid vaccinated to be a surrogate? Ask an expert!Guest UserAugust 23, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, embryos, transferred, embryo transfer, hurt, twins, singleton, one, two. Three, medications, intended parents
Why should I work with an agency instead of going indy? Ask an expert!Guest UserAugust 16, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, embryos, transferred, embryo transfer, hurt, twins, singleton, one, two. Three, medications, intended parents
Do you know if Tricare (Military health care, I am a spouse and veteran) will help to cover expenses? Ask an expert!Guest UserAugust 9, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, embryos, transferred, embryo transfer, hurt, twins, singleton, one, two. Three, medications, intended parents
I would like to know how I can prepare my body to apply? Ask an expert!Guest UserAugust 2, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, embryos, transferred, embryo transfer, hurt, twins, singleton, one, two. Three, medications, intended parents
Do I have a say in the number of embryos transferred into me? Ask an expert!Guest UserJuly 28, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, embryos, transferred, embryo transfer, hurt, twins, singleton, one, two. Three, medications, intended parents
How I Talk to My Kids About How They Were Conceived Intended ParentsGuest UserJuly 19, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, kids, talk, conceived, egg donation, donation, eggs, sperm, embryos, IVF, clinics, third party reproduction
Is It Time To Move Your Embryos? Above the LawGuest UserJuly 13, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, embryos, eggs, sperm, move, change, opinion, questions, future, judge, court, law, lawyers, attorney
Colorado Court Of Appeals Rules For Privacy Rights In Embryo Dispute Above the LawJanelle DoddJune 30, 2022assisted reproductive technology, ART, IVF, In Vitro Fertilization, infertility, cryopreservation, embryo, embryos, embryo donation, embryo disposition, Colorado, Colorado Court of Appeals, Court of Appeals, privacy rights, Dobbs, Roe, Casey, Rooks, Olsen, U.S. Supreme Court, United States Supreme Court, reproductive autonomy, religious beliefs, personhood, Eisenstadt
Is Andy Cohen’s Unusual Plan For His Embryos Even Legal? Janelle DoddJune 16, 2022assisted reproductive technology, ART, IVF, In Vitro Fertilization, infertility, Andy Cohen, cryopreservation, embryo, embryos, embryo donation, egg donation, surrogacy, sibling, siblings, children, genetics, sperm count, Embryo Connections, EmPower with Moxi, Gina Davis, Advocate Genetics, Maya Grobel, Deb Roberts
Surrogacy For Gay Men Is Now Legal In Israel, But Difficult Above the LawJanelle DoddMarch 24, 2022assisted reproductive technology, ART, IVF, in vitro fertilization, embryo, embryos, Ukraine, Russia, surrogacy, surrogacy law, surrogate, surrogates, international, LGBTQ, same-sex parents, discrimination, single parent, Israel, Israel Supreme Court, Israeli surrogacy, attorney, Victoria Gelfand, Ministry of Health, Men Having Babies