Posts tagged intended parent
How do surrogates get pregnant?
How many embryos should be transferred? What happens when an embryo splits, and why should it affect how many embryos you transfer?
Do intended parents pick a surrogate or does the surrogate pick the intended parents?
Can I go on a cruise as a surrogate with ports in Zika areas if I don't get off the ship?
Maternity/Pregnancy Leave: How It Applies to Surrogates and Intended Parents

Maternity/Pregnancy Leave: How it applies to surrogates and IPs

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How to support a surrogate pregnancy

How to support a GC pregnancy 

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What does “Base Fee” or “Base Compensation” really mean in a surrogacy arrangement?

What does “Base Fee” or “Base Compensation” really mean in a surrogacy arrangement?

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How often do both IPs want to be in the delivery room? Do they ever ask for others to be there too?
How to use your agency as your advocate

How can your agency advocate for you?

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What Intended Parents Need to Know About Insurance for Surrogacy
Inducing Lactation
What if we don't get along during the pregnancy?
What happens if our match doesn't work?
How can a doula help me? Doesn't only the gestational carrier (GC) need one?
Do intended parents pick a surrogate, or does the surrogate pick the intended parents?