Is the surrogate the biological mother of the child? Ask an expert!Janelle DoddSeptember 3, 2024surrogacy 101, gestational surrogacy, gestational surrogate, surrogate, surrogacy, surrogacy basics, intended parents, become a surrogate, surrogacy agency, surrogacy questions, surrogates family, birth certificate, gestational carrier agreement, explain surrogacy to friends and family, explain surrogacy to children, surrogacy explained, legal parents, surrogacy agreement, surrogacy arrangement, donor conceived, donor conceived person, apply today, apply now, bright futures families, conceiving bright futures, growing families
Do the parents tell the child they were born from a surrogate? Ask an expert!Janelle DoddAugust 1, 2024surrogacy 101, gestational surrogacy, gestational surrogate, surrogate, surrogacy, surrogacy basics, intended parents, become a surrogate, surrogacy agency, surrogacy questions, surrogates family, birth certificate, gestational carrier agreement, explain surrogacy to friends and family, explain surrogacy to children, surrogacy explained, legal parents, surrogacy agreement, surrogacy arrangement, donor conceived, donor conceived person, apply today, apply now, bright futures families, conceiving bright futures, growing families
Is A 68-Year-Old Arranging The Birth Of Her Deceased Son’s Child By Surrogacy Legal? Above the LawJanelle DoddMay 18, 2023BrightFuturesFamilies, bright futures families, brightfuturesfamilies, Bright Futures Families, conceiving bright futures, assisted reproductive technology Law, assisted reproduction, assisted reproductive technology, ART, medical technology, infertility, fertility, reproductive technology, reproductive material, donor reproductive material, parentage, egg, donor egg, egg donation, egg donor, posthumous sperm, posthumous conception, Spain, surrogacy law, surrogacy laws, Ana Obregon, Aless Lequoio, Peter Zhu, sperm retrieval, post-mortem sperm retrieval, donor conceived child, donor conceived, donor conceived person, donor gametes, donor gamete, genetic, genetic relation, older parent, older, older parents
Is IVG The Answer To LGBTQ+ Parentage Legal Problems? Above the LawJanelle DoddApril 19, 2023bright futures families, BrightFuturesFamilies, Bright Futures Families, assisted reproductive technology Law, assisted reproduction podcasts, assisted reproductive technology podcast, assisted reproduction, assisted reproductive technology, Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Equity of Access Issues, ART, medical technology, infertility, fertility, In Vitro Fertilization, in vitro fertilization, in vitro gametogenesis, gametogenesis, IVF, IVG, gamete, gametes, Dr. Kathryn Go, I Want to Put a Baby in You, I Want to Put a Baby in You podcast, art attorney, attorneys, attorney, parentage, sperm, donor sperm, donor conceived, donor conceived child, donor conceived person, egg, donor egg, embryo, donor embryo, donor gamete, donor gametes, genetic, genetics, genetic relation, attoney, nongenetic, nongenetic parent, nongenetic parents, nongenetic intended parent, nongenetic child, nongenetically related parent, nongenetically related child, law professor, Naomi Cahn, University of Virginia School of Law, LGBTQ+, LGBTQ, lgbtq, LGBTQ Families, lgbt parenting, LGBTQ parents
Historic Meeting Ushers In New Era In US Donor Conception Above the LawJanelle DoddNovember 3, 2022bright futures families, BrightFuturesFamilies, assisted reproductive technology, ART, infertile, infertility, donor, donors, donor-doctor, donor sperm, donor conceived person, donor-conceived, donor conceived, Donor-conceived, DonorAnonymity, donor anonymity, US Donor Conceived Council, Egg donor, spermdonor, Donor-conceived Persons and Donor-conceived Persons Protection Act, egg donor, sperm donor, Colorado, Colorado law, California Cryobank, Donor Egg Bank USA, Fairfax Cryobank, Fairfax Eggbank, RESOLVE, Donor Conceived Australia, anonymous, anonymous donor, anonymous sperm donors, Anonymous Sperm donors, anonymous egg donor, anonymous embryo donor, anonymous donation, anonymous egg donation, anonymous sperm donation, anonymous embryo donation, donor eligibility, donor identity disclosure, donor criteria, donor eligibility criteria, embryo, embryos, gametes, agency, clinic, attorney, DNA Kit, DNA, DNA Tests, DNA test, home DNA kit, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+
New York Proposes Donor-Conceived Person Protection Act Above the LawJanelle DoddJanuary 13, 2022assisted reproductive technology, ART, language, IVF, In Vitro Fertilization, anonymous, anonymous donor, donor conceived, donor conceived child, donor conceived person, New York, DonorAnonymity, donor anonymity, sperm, sperm donor, sperm donation, egg, eggs, egg donor, egg donation, embryo, embryo donation
Your New Fertility Vocabulary For 2022 Above the LawJanelle DoddDecember 30, 2021assisted reproductive technology, ART, language, 2022, test tube baby, IVF, In Vitro Fertilization, anonymous, anonymous donor, donor conceived, donor conceived child, donor conceived person, reproductive negligence, home DNA test, DNA Tests, DNA Kit