How long am I typically on medication? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonFebruary 10, 2020surrogacy medication, surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, askamanda, coloradosurrogacy
Ask Jennifer! Can you talk about the scary but common SCH sub chorionic hematoma? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonOctober 7, 2019SCH, IVF, Ask Jenn!, coloradosurrogacy, surrogacyquestions
Ask Jennifer! IP question: when should I show up for the birth of my child? (How far in advance?) Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonSeptember 22, 2019Ask Jenn!, IPandGC, international surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, surrogacybirth, travel and surrogacy
Ask Amanda! Can you be a surrogate if you got your tubes tied? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonAugust 27, 2019tubes tied, pregnancy, surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, askamanda, ColoradoSurrogacy
Ask Amanda! What was the hardest and easiest part of surrogacy? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonJuly 24, 2019surrogacyquestions, surrogacyjourney, surrogacy, coloradosurrogacy
Ask Jennifer! How do I respond to people who ask how I was able to give up “my baby”? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonJuly 14, 2019coloradosurrogacy, surrogacy, babies, intendedparents, surrogacyquestions
Ask Amanda! Once you become cleared to become a surrogate where is your profile posted and who can view it? Is there a universal surrogate "book"? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonJune 25, 2019Askamanda, surrogateprofile, surrogacyquestions, match with intended parents
Ask Amanda! "I'm worried about after the birth with the hormones and no baby, what do you do and how do you deal with that?" Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonMay 9, 2019ask jennfer, Askamanda, hormones, surrogacy, surrogacyquestions
Ask Amanda! What are IPs looking for at the match meeting? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonMarch 20, 2019colorado surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, Askamanda, Ask Jenn!, surrogacy
Ask Amanda! For Intended Parents- I'm not giving birth. Why would I need a doula? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonMarch 10, 2019Askamanda, colorado surrogacy, surrogacyquestions
Ask Jenn! Can I have tattoos and be a gestational carrier? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonJanuary 27, 2019Ask Jenn!, surrogacy and tattoos, surrogacyquestions, Coloradosurrogacy, Surrogacy Questions
Ask Jennifer! Does your agency allow {Fill in your blank here!}? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonJanuary 13, 2019Ask Jenn!, colorado surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, pregnancy, surrogacy
Ask Amanda! Is it a requirement that surrogates need to always be open to termination or selective reduction in order to match? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonJanuary 5, 2019Askamanda, colorado surrogacy, surrogacyquestions
Ask Jennifer (with substitute Ellen)! Can I still ski as a GC? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonJanuary 5, 2019Ask Jenn!, colorado surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, activepregnancy
Ask Jenn! What do I do about medications when I travel? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonDecember 17, 2018colorado surrogacy, Ask Jenn!, surrogacyquestions
Ask Amanda! Is it ok to surprise my IPs with bump pics? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonDecember 5, 2018Askamanda, colorado surrogacy, bumps pics, surrogacyquestions
Ask Jenn! Can I be a gestational carrier if I've had a tattoo? (and welcome Texas Surrogacy!!!!) Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonDecember 2, 2018Ask Jenn!, colorado surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, surrogacy and tattoos
Ask Jenn! Why is spouse support so important? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonNovember 11, 2018ask jenn, surrogacy, surrogacyquestions, spouses of surrogates, pregnancy
Ask Amanda! Tips for THE SHOTS! Progesterone shots and other medications Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonNovember 4, 2018surrogates and shots, at-home shots, Pregnancy, surrogacyquestions, askamanda, colorado surrogacy
Ask Jenn! Can I be a gestational carrier if I am an Active Duty Military member? Ask an expert!Patricia NelsonOctober 31, 2018colorado surrogacy, pregnancy, militarylife, surrogacyquestions, askjenn