Posts tagged surrogacy qualifications
How do I know if I'm a good fit for surrogacy?
What are the requirements to become a surrogate?
Can I work with intended parents I already know?
What is the average time that it takes as a GC, from submitting my application to transfer of the embryo?
What is your best advice for the matching process? Is it more the intended parents' choice, the surrogate's, or both?
Once you become cleared to become a surrogate, where is your profile posted and who can view it? Is there a database of available surrogates?
Are the risks for a surrogate pregnancy higher or different than a regular pregnancy?
How do I explain surrogacy to friends and family?
Can I be a surrogate with a BMI under 19?
What procedures are involved in the medical screening process?
Can I qualify as a surrogate even though I'm 40 years old?
Do LGBTQ intended parents have a longer wait time to match?
I keep hearing your agency can be anywhere. It doesn't matter, because you will never actually go there. Is this true? Is there a benefit to having a local agency?
What are some out of the box, unforeseen reasons you could be disqualified?
What can intended parents do with their leftover frozen embryos?
I hate needles. Do I have to have injectable medication to be a surrogate?
Can you be a surrogate if you got your tubes tied?
How do you feel after the embryo transfer?
What is the role of a doula in a surrogacy setting?
What does the surrogate clearing process look like, and will I need a lot of childcare for it?