Meet Lindsay Jefferson On Our Staff: How Did You Get Into Surrogacy? Industry NewsGuest UserNovember 7, 2017Colorado Surrogacy, Surrogacy Agency in Colorado, Gestational Surrogacy
Superstitions and Traditions for Embryo Transfer Industry NewsJennifer WhiteJune 7, 20177 Surrogacy Superstitions, Old Wives Tales About Surrogacy, Colorado Surrogacy
The Hottest New Legal Theory: Loss of Genetic Affinity Industry NewsJennifer WhiteApril 27, 2017assisted reproduction, IVF, reproductive law, Above the Law
Kim Kardashian and the Infertility Shame Game Industry NewsJennifer WhiteApril 13, 2017Celebrities, Surrogacy 101, surrogate mother
Will You Be Our Surrogate?: Tips for the Match Meeting Industry NewsJennifer WhiteFebruary 21, 2017gay parenting, gestational carrier, surrogate mother, Surrogate family, Surrogate Agency, Surrogacy 101
How many embryos should be transferred? Industry NewsJennifer WhiteFebruary 14, 2017Embryo transfer, success rates, assisted reproduction, how many embryos to transfer, In Vitro Fertilization, IVF, biological children
Colorado Surrogacy – By the Numbers Industry NewsLexi DoigNovember 1, 2016Surrogacy Agency in Colorado, gay parenting, Parental Protection