Dear Sassy Surrogate: Why use an agency?

Dear Sassy Surrogate, 

Why use an agency? Why not independent? Why Colorado Surrogacy? I am concerned about the extra cost and wonder if it’s needed. Thank you for helping me work through these questions and wanting as much information as possible. -Seeking Answers

Dear Seeking Answers,

I know that this decision does not come without emotional and financial stress (for intended parents), not to mention all the decisions to be made. I come to you as someone who has done an independent match, and have seen it be successful several times, yet I work for an agency now, and see the advantages it brings. As a gestational carrier (GC), you are not financially responsible for the costs for this process, although every GC I know is still aware of costs and wants to limit them for the IPs. Their care and concern always amazes me!  Here is a quick look at a few things that may help you when looking at becoming a GC.

Why use an Agency:

The con – the agency fee. The pros are many…

  • Everyday experience – this is our  job, our expertise, knowing and managing the details. General knowledge of the process.  We are here to help and manage the process, in turn helping make the process more smooth and less stressful (at least that is always out goal).

  • Help gathering medical records – review surrogates before they are presented for you

  • Clinic knowledge –knows clinic expectations, process and works closely with many different ones

  • Third party – Support and sounding board if needed, including keeping money out of the personal conversations and being the middle man anytime it’s needed

  • Industry knowledge – help setting up and monitoring escrow, ART lawyer recommendations, PBO process, insurance information and hospital contacts

If you decide to go independent…items that are still very important in the surrogacy process:

  • Each Party – IPs and GC must have their own attorney (one of the attorneys must be in the state in which the baby will be born) – A good lawyer would NEVER allow either party to not have their own representation

  • Baby needs to be born in a state in which IPs can legally be named the parents (through a pre-birth order or other appropriate legal documents), the following link is a map about laws and surrogacy friendly states:

  • Escrow/expense account should be established for any cost reimbursement, the surrogate should never have to ask or wait for money, most lawyers will require this.

  • Health insurance review – the surrogate’s insurance should be surrogate friendly and not have a lien or exclusionary clause.

Why choose Colorado Surrogacy?

  • Local – We are here for you. We are willing to meet up individually, we have monthly meet ups, in person match meetings and even come to the birth (even asked ;-))

  • Personalized matching – We want the relationship and match to work for everyone involved.  Both Intended Parents and Gestational carrier (& partner) say yes and want to work together.

  • Agency specifics – Don’t take payment for Agency fee from IPs until matched, we pay for psych evals and support during the process

  • Experienced Team – Lawyer, experienced infertility and previous gestational carriers

All of us at Colorado Surrogacy want to help build families. If you have already matched or are wanting to do an independent match we also offer concierge services! Still have questions? Set up a free consult! If you are ready to become a GC and help another family, please apply today!