GCx2 – Doing a second Gestational Carrier journey

I was recently asked why I decided to be a Gestational Surrogate a second time. For me, it has a lot to do with why I decided to become a surrogate in the first place. Because it’s on my heart to help people in this very specific way. I have the innate ability to have easy, healthy pregnancies, and I happen to love being pregnant, but also do NOT want any more of my own children (3 and done, thank you!) Basically, I have an ability that others do not, and I have the desire to share it.

The best part about my last journey was seeing my IPs (Intended Parents) with their baby. Here were these people, who wanted nothing more than they wanted this baby. Their dreams came true, and *I* helped make that happen. Me, I did that. All my hard work was done, and my reward was seeing this family together and being able to go home to get uninterrupted sleep again. Not waking up every 2 hours at night, that was an awesome outcome for me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved this stage with my own children, but this baby was not mine, at all, ever, in any way. I had spent 9 months planning for the day this baby would meet his biological parents and it was even better than I ever hoped for.

Honestly, being a surrogate is not an easy or quick process and it is often filled with setbacks. When I was finally pregnant and able to deliver a healthy baby boy for my IPs, I was so grateful that I was able to do this once, that I didn’t even think about “would I do a second journey?” But at 6 months postpartum I found myself reaching out to Colorado Surrogacy, asking them “Could I be a surrogate again?!”

My body had healed, my hormones had regulated, and I wanted to know: Can I help more people? I knew that my body was capable of another pregnancy. I talked with my husband and he supported me in wanting to help complete another family. I also knew that I wanted to wait a certain amount of time between pregnancies and that would have to be ok with any potential IPs. It was January and I did not want to transfer before October. I knew it could take time to match. I happily submitted my medical records and spoke with my own OBGYN about my health. I underwent the psychological screenings required of surrogates. Once all the testing and review was successful and complete, I was able to make a match with new IPs by May 1st. Due to some setbacks, our first transfer is scheduled for March, but surrogacy is a hurry up and wait game after all.

I recently got to hang out with my first IPs and their son who is now 18 months old. And I realized that what was a 9-month blip in the timeline of my life, has completely changed their lives forever. I am so blessed that I get to do it all over again to help someone else.

-Liz, a 2X gestational surrogate with Colorado Surrogacy